Thursday, August 13, 2009

Something in the way of an introduction, and then CJ's first Training Camp! (some pictures -- light on the CJ)

Howdy folks. Figured this would be a decent way to keep a steady stream of CJ pictures going out, instead of waiting months at a time and then sending a whole bunch at once. That'll probably still happen, but at least this way those that want to can stay a bit more up to date.

Also, there will probably be pictures here that have nothing to do with CJ. In fact, this first blog is sort of full of them...feel free to avert your eyes as necessary.

Molly, I totally stole this idea from you.

On with the photos...took CJ out to the ol' college for his first taste of pro football. It was pretty hot out and CJ was a little confused about why we wouldn't let him go out and play football with the Ravens, but he had a pretty good time.

(Click on any of the pictures to see a full size version)

So goofy, but so proud...


  1. Very Cute Pics! Thanks for sharing the blog - Great Idea! ~Biddy

  2. I am loving this! (i know Hilnuts is too!) thanks for keeping up involved in watching CJ grow up. Before we know it Addie will be skyping CJ! We love yall!!
